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Neutering refers to the surgical procedure performed on male dogs and cats to render them infertile. There are many benefits to neutering your male companion. First, you will help reduce the dog and cat overpopulation. Second, neutering will eliminate undesirable and at times, embarrassing behavior in your male companion. Third, you will help prevent diseases in your pet such as prostate disease and testicular cancer.

Neutering involves surgical removal of both testicles. It is performed under a general anesthesia. If you are shopping around for a competitive price on this procedure, be sure to question the type of anesthetic used and the monitoring equipment and procedures followed. There are several monitoring devices that can be used during your pet’s anesthetic. A technician continually assesses your pet’s vital signs during the procedure and we ensure every patient is on intravenous fluids. Although the risk of an anesthetic death in a young healthy pet is very rare, continual anesthetic monitoring allows a much more timely response to an anesthetic emergency, hopefully ensuring a postive outcome. Faster responses can save lives. Please call or visit our facility to learn more about our neutering procedures.