We strive to ensure optimal health and comfort of all our senior patients. In most cases a dog becomes a senior at 5-8 years of age, cats become seniors at 8 years.
Once they reach this stage of life we recommend that they undergo a senior wellness exam and diagnostic work-up. This may include blood and/or urine testing. Even though you may believe your pet is healthy, there are many disease processes that do not show any outward sign until the disease is quite advanced. More advanced diseases can be more difficult to treat and are not always as responsive to treatment as diseases diagnosed early.
Many symptoms that historically have been attributed to old age and considered untreatable are now treatable. For example, some dogs that appear to have lost their mental alertness can be returned to a mental status indicative of a younger age by using appropriate therapy. Hypertension is also a very common disease in senior cats that goes undetected and can be easily diagnosed and treated.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss our senior wellness program in more detail.